The BMW Owner’s Essential Guide BMWs are some of the most reliable, high-performance vehicles available to motorists – but just like any other cars, they do need professional servicing! As the BMW specialist Essex car owners trust, we’re ideally placed to give you some things to look out for! What Does Your Car Tell You? […]
Category: BMW
Protecting Your Investment: How to Keep Your Porsche in Great Condition
Why Servicing Matters Buying a Porsche is a big investment, so it makes sense that you’ll want to do all you can to keep it in great condition. Here at Power Developments, we deal with a wide range of Porsche owners, working wonders on their vehicles so that they look and feel as good as […]
The Benefits of Having Your BMW Professionally Serviced
How Power Developments Can Help As BMW enthusiasts ourselves, we know just how much pride and joy these elite cars bring their owners. To ensure your BMW maintains its peak performance and has the longest possible lifespan, regular maintenance and professional servicing are essential. That’s where we come in! Here at Power Developments, otherwise known […]
BMW 318Ci N42 And N46 Timing Chain Replacement
How To Identify A Problem With The Timing Chain The N42 and N46 engine is fitted to many different BMW models can be particularly prone to timing chain problems. The usual culprit is broken guides, caused by the original timing chain tensioner being too short and therefore allowing the chain to become slack, rubbing or […]
E46 M3 rear differential seal
Today we have Damian’s BMW M3 in for a differential leak from the input shaft seal.. This is a common problem, however it’s fortunately quite low cost to have replaced. This guide is a brief DIY, assuming you have some skills at car repair then this job is quite easy to do. First place your […]
Steering lock replacement bmw e90
Steering lock problems are reasonably common on the E90 BMW 3 series models. Symptoms will be a steering wheel warning on the dash, and possible inability to start the car. Most of the time this can be sorted with a software update of the CAS (car access system) but on some occasions the steering lock […]
Where is the Footwell Module Location?
Across many Internet forums worldwide, this question is asked with no real answer, just guesses that it could be in the ‘footwell’. Well, we have decided to show the location for people who are attempting some DIY work. This is shown on a 2007 130i. New footwell module on left (FRM3). Notice the extra ventilation […]
Chris Imola Red M3 inspection service with valve clearances
Today we have Chris lovely Imola Red E46 M3 for an inspection 1 service with valve clearance adjustment. This usually carried out every 60k at the inspection 2 service, but Chris is keen to have them checked and adjusted to keep the car running at maximum performance. Please note that this is not intended […]
bmw e46 320d crank pulley replacement
Ok guys – this is a common issue affecting all diesel cars, not just bmw. Its simply down to the crank pulley rubber material perishing with age. Here’s the Car in question, a lovely Imola Red Coupe. Here’s the crank pulley that has broken up, the belt didn’t fail which is very lucky. Here’s the […]
Bmw Z4M clutch dowel problem
Today we have Scott’s lovely BMW Z4M in for some work. The car has some odd noises from inside the transmission bell housing, so lets whip it off and inspect. As you can see below, there are some very small stress fractures on the bell housing, suggesting they a foreign object is loose inside and […]